Sunday, September 4, 2011

Omerta 2011 III round

We hope you had good summer holiday :)

  • Character registration starts 2011.09.09 18:00 (UTC/GMT +2 hours)
  • Round starts 2011.09.12 18:00 (UTC/GMT +2 hours)
  • Round ends (chaos start) 2011.12.01 18:00 (UTC/GMT +2 hours)
  • Chaos ends when there are 20 players left alive.
This round will be long enough to check which family is the strongest one and who is the ultimate Omerta player. Last round we picked up some great ideas from iShoot and other players. This time the best player and best family will be picked up acording to all round performance.

The exact method and prizes will be posted later. If you have some great ideas on how to pick the best player, please post them in comments.


    XmA said...


    XmA loves you :D

    kswiss said...

    hay, great stuff, at long last...great news...

    Fito said...

    hi peopleeeeeeeeeeee! nice to see u all!

    XmA said...

    OMG omerta is DOWN AGAIN??..

    Malas said...

    i am trying to add Google Ads to earn some money and get stable servers for omerta..

    LaCoka said...

    Malas, susitvarkyk shuda omertoj pagaliau! acc dingsta kaip net nebuves, hitmena nusauna po keliu min. po to kai jis buna prasautas. Serveris luzineja keliom valandom ar net nakciai. Susiveles cia garantuotai esi.

    Anonymous said...

    acc dingsta kaip net nebuves, hitmena nusauna po keliu min. po to kai jis buna prasautas.
    Kad tai nutinka per registruotems zaidejams galiu patvirtinti.Ir jai norite patikrinti, acc registruoti per neturi imuniteto apytiksliai nuo 3:30 iki 4:15 galima juos saudyt x kartu tuo laiko tarpu. Butent tuo laikotarpiu klases serveris issijungia ir omertoje zaidziantys acc tampa nesaugus.manau turetumete arba is viso atjungti omerta nuo klases arba kazkokiu budu tai sutvarkyti.Tikiuosi mane supratote ir bus imtasi kazkokiu veiksmu.Dekoju.